Convert a txt file to a CSV file

Hi ,
I have a Txt file which consist of 1000's of SOAP request and response and i want the file to be converted to a csv file like column a should have a soap request and column b should have the soap response . can someone assist me in achieving this please ?


The ask is a bit (?) nebulous. Probably "someone" will be able to "assist".
Why don't you try to be a bit more specific:

  1. Provide sample input file(s) using code tags
  2. Provide a detailed description of what needs to be done
  3. Provide a desired output file using code tags
  4. Show your attempts at achieving your objectives and where exactly you're stuck
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Wlcome kumarm8,

I have a few to questions pose in response first:-

  • Is this homework/assignment? There are specific forums for these.
  • What have you tried so far?
  • What output/errors do you get?
  • What OS and version are you using?
  • What are your preferred tools? (C, shell, perl, awk, etc.)
  • What logical process have you considered? (to help steer us to follow what you are trying to achieve)

Most importantly, What have you tried so far?

There are probably many ways to achieve most tasks, so giving us an idea of your style and thoughts will help us guide you to an answer most suitable to you so you can adjust it to suit your needs in future.

We're all here to learn and getting the relevant information will help us all.

Kind regards,

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