continue after connecting to cisco vpn

Hi all, This will save me a tremendous amount of time if i can get this script working. I have alot of sites i need to connect to using cisco vpn and then ssh onto servers to retrieve some info. Its all repetitative and it needs scripted.

what i have done so far is put this into a script.

vpnclient connect siteA &
ssh root@

problem is the cisco vpnclient prints out some info when ran and stops at this point when connected

Encryption: 168-bit 3-DES
Authentication: HMAC-MD5
IP Compression: None
NAT passthrough is active on port UDP 4500
Local LAN Access is disabled

normally i would then ctrl+c this and continue to open a ssh connection.

I am wondering how to do a ctrl + c in a bash script? Or alternatively i have tried lauching a new terminal window with terminal -e "ssh root@" but that fails with error problem with child process.