Constant mirroring

I'm not sure how to best explain what I'd like to do, so let me give an example. I used to work in a department that deals with internet security. This department had an "internal" website (only people in the building can get on it) and an "external" website (anyone in the world can get on it -- like One day I was told that someone was having trouble FTP'ing a file to the internal server. All he wanted to do was transfer the file between two computers -- he was going to FTP it up with one computer, then get it down from the other computer. He ended up FTP'ing the file to the external server to get the job done. It was deleted from the external server in a matter of minutes.

Apparently, the file he uploaded was "secret information" and it was determined by log files and stuff that someone else had downloaded it in those few minutes it was up there. It was also determined that the person who downloaded the file was actually a script that was constantly mirroring the server.

I now work somewhere else, and we have a number of websites. The management wants us to have an RSS feed (they actually don't even know what RSS is -- they just like to say it) that gets all the new stuff from all of our websites. Instead of making changes to each website, I thought it would be cool to have this same type of script that automatically grabs new information within minutes of it being posted.

I hope that makes sense. Sorry for story-time.

And no, I'm not the person that FTP'd the stuff. I wasn't cool enough to have access to "secrets". :frowning:

Use cron to have rsync check directory A every n minutes - then check directory B. If there's a difference, it will copy the data from A to B