connecting to SSH

Well im on Fedora, and theres no sub section for Fedora so yea

Well how do you connect to an SSH, while on a windows terminal?

And also to transfer a file from my desktop to a server?
how is this done

scp command is not working for me

Did you configure your sshd daemon ?
can you ping your target serv from your win terminal ?

To transfer files between a windows and a unix machine : filezilla or winscp

First make sure that ssh is running. You can do this by typing:

ps aux|grep sshd

You should see something like the following (numbers will probably be different):

[root@serv ~]# rpm -qa |grep openssh-server

If not install sshd by typing:

yum install openssh-server

Set it to run automagically by typing

chkconfig --level 2345 sshd on

Enable it by typing

service sshd start

That should get you in business.
As for files, you can do a number of things, ftp, sftp, nfs, samba, etc.

First off, are you using an SSH client or are you trying at the command line on Windows? Windows has a built in telnet client, but none for SSH. I would suggest PuTTY as it is cheap (Free), and widely used and has good features and support.

From there, it should be relatively straight forward. In order to connect to an SSH server, you will need an SSH client. Now, you can use the PuTTY installer and the SCP that brings, or what I prefer is Win-SCP. That is also free and works well.

Another thing to check, in Fedora, is if there is a firewall preventing access.