Connecting SGI to Linksys router

I have an SGI running Irix 6.5 and I am trying to connect it to my home network that consists of two Windows PC's (Win 98SE and Win 2000) plus the SGI all connected to a Linksys router which is connected to my DSL modem. My ISP is Verizon DSL (Dynamic IP addressing.)

All network lights are working.

I tried configuring my network setting on Irix using the IP address of the router since it handles the connection to the WAN.

I tried setting it up using DHCP as well as manually setting it up using the ISP my router gives it, but I just can't seen to get it to work.

If I type in /usr/etc/proclaim, I get the error message "failed to
configure ec0 as banas3. Cannot access primary interface, ec0. Using standalone network mode."

I have the following info for my SGI:
MessageType: 5
NetworkMask: 0xffffff00
LeaseTimeInSecs: 86400

The Linksys router's IP address is

I am not sure why the DNS servers are listed as above (I don't know how to remove them.)

The two Windows PC's work just fine on my network.

Any ideas as to what I should do?

I am new at Unix stuff... so I am not really sure what you are not able to do, but I am guessing that you cannot see the network.

Can you ping the gateway (router) IP? If not you may not have a default route pointing to the gateway.


I got it to work. Thanks for the help.

My exact problem. I'm running IRIX 6.5 on an SGI O2.

it was working on a network where it came from.

How about a step by step "I got it to work for dummies". :slight_smile:

Linksys told me I had to configure my machine to

SubNet Mask:
Default Gateway:
DNS: and DNS2:

I need to use this workstation at home and am completely new to UNIX.

I know about the etc/ in the root directory and that's about it...