Connecting other server using ssh!

Hi All,

Here i am having a problem in my script....:slight_smile:

i have one script which will connect from my linux box to antoher linux box..

let say...currently i am in 55.23.621.123
and i want to connect to another box which is 55.23.621.118

as we know we can connect using ssh 55.23.621.118@xuser:
then it will prombt for the password...

but i want to connect this server without password using my script...

eventhough it might be simple one...sorry i am new so i dont have any idea..where to check and what needs to be done..

can someone help me..plz

Thanks in advance..

sorry ..there is small change in my notes...

normally we connect another box like below..

ssh xuser@55.23.621.118:


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