Connect to target host from Source host.

Hi All,

Need to connect to target host and execute a command and connect back to source host to continue with next set of command execution.

Is there a utility/command using which we can connect to target host ?

Please suggest.

Note: Netezza database is instaled on Linux server.

Thanks and Regards
Nagaraja Akkivalli

perhaps you can use expect script

Did you consider ssh ?

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You can use SSH to do this

sshusername@ipaddress �command�
 ssh username@domainname �command�
 ssh username@domainname �command1 | command2


ssh tts@ �df -Th�
ssh tts@ �ls -l /etc/httpd�
ssh tts@ �grep -i tts /etc/passwd�

Add the single line command in the script to execute a command in the remote machine.

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Thanks for your reply!!

I was able to achieve it using ssh command in quotes as you suggested.