Connect to AIX via Windows hyperlink

We do not have a console for our box so we are trying to hyperlink in - does anyone know the settings?

Depends on pSeries. 8N1 with either 9600 or 19200 baud. Using the correct serial nullmodem cable is crucial.

We tried this, it did not work. We are 9600 8N1

What server type is it?

Aix 5l

Well I was rather interested in the hardware. Hence I expected sth. like "we are using a p520..." or so...:wink:

Our hardwar is P550

Do you connect to either S1 or S2 port? And when you say "We tried this, it did not work" what does that mean? No output at all?

Answering the question you did not ask, but perhaps should have, the p550 setup procedure is documented. You will find a lot of 550 setup information on the web. Refer to for information on this unit.

You should also round up the following, which should have been shipped with your unit. If you don't have them, contact IBM or whoever sold you your unit.
IBM eServer Hardware Information Center CD-ROM SK3T-8159
Start Here for IBM eServer SA41-5156

You can also look for setup information on your system at
Help -

and specifically for the 9113-550:
9113-550 (p5 550)

Power 5/6 boxes are set at 19200 baud