Connect Perl with MS Access (.mdb file)

Hi Guys, How All are Doing
In Perl I am getting an issue that I want to share with all you guys.

I have a .mdb file(MS Access) that contain many tables. With the help of Perl I want to Connect that mdb file and after Connecting I want to fire a sql query lets say (select * from Table1).


Have you tried using ActiveX in Perl to connect to MDB to run query or macro?

The Perl is installed in my Linux Box(HP UX)

To connect from Perl to an MS Access database on Linux you could use the Easysoft Accss-ODBC driver.

To connect from Perl to ODBC you are going to need to install the CPAN Perl modules DBI and DBD::ODBC. On the Easysoft site go into the Developer section then Perl and look for the page "Enabling ODBC support in Perl with Perl DBI and DBD::ODBC"