Confused with find

Hi ,I am reading and trying examples with find ,but I am little bit confused,
How can I search only in sertain directory,Could you give me some example
Thanks a lot
find . -size +10k
find . -name "name"

You can ask `find' to search in any directory you want

find . /tmp $HOME -name foo

Look for the file foo in current directory, in /tmp and in $HOME

The period after find just means "in the current working directory". You can specify whatever directory to find in such as

find /var/mobile/test -type f -name *.log

which looks in /var/mobile/test for files ending in .log. Find is pretty easy.

Try this:

find ./ -name "*name*" -size +'10k'

# you can't have two (2) PATHS in your find query, i.e. [ . /tmp ] which is 'space' delimited to the current directory [.] and the [/tmp] directory.

Yes you can. Or nine, even. There's no limit except ARG_MAX on your system.