Configure squid to listen on any IP address with port 80


I am trying to configure a transparent squid cache. When I try to use the below option in squid.conf, squid listens on port 80 only for the IP address configured on the system's interface.

http_port 80 transparent

But I want squid to accept connections for any IP address on port 80.
I don't want to bind any specific IP address. It should listen to all IP addresses.

Could anyone let me know how this can be done?

Even if you could configure squid to listen to all addresses it wouldn't work, as only that traffic directed at it would reach it anyways. That's what routers and switches do. A transparent proxy is usually done by redirecting, on the firewall, all client traffic to the proxy. The client still doesn't see it.

Thanks for your reply.

I am actually redirecting all the traffic to the squid cache without changing the Destination IP to achieve full transparency. But the squid doesn't respond to the traffic since it is listening on the IP s configured on the interface.

So I would like to know how to make the squid listen on any IP.

Internet Protocol doesn't work that way. If you want them to connect to SQUID, redirect them into SQUID.

You won't get "full transparency" anyway because squid remains the only thing making outgoing connections to the destination server, not the client.