configure sendmail to append domain

I am running redhat enterprise 4 with sendmail version 8.13. I am trying to configure sendmail to append the domain to localpart.

For example

If i send an email to �username�. I want sendmail to append the �username� with

I tried modifying the following in /etc/mail/


Then issue
m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/

Restarted sendmail

Unfortunately the above modification did not work. At the moment when I send an email it changes the �To address field� to �� but I would like to be ��

What am I doing wrong? Can you help? Please

You want "canonical name", not "masquerading". My Sendmail skills are too rusty to help you with the details but quick googling suggests $j might have something to do with that.

Try MASQUERADE_AS and FEATURE masquerade_envelope in both and ... Hope that helps