Configure DISPLAY variable for DB2

I am trying to install a DB2 90-day trail but I got the error with the DISPLAY, it says is not configured correctly. I cannot post the error due to I am not in my personal PC but when I type: echo $DISPLAY it shows nothing.

I also tried: xclock & and nothing appears just an error. I know there are different ways to install DB2 but I want to try this way.

Can someone please guide me on how to configure the DISPLAY variable correctly to proceed with the installation process? I will appreciate any help!

P.S.: I am using Ubuntu 7.10

You need to be running an X-server on your PC like Exceed for windows or a X11 server (Gnome desktop/KDE etc)

If you are on a remote PC you will need to set your DISPLAY to IP_of_PC:0

e.g. export DISPLAY=

If you are on a Linux desktop you will need to allow remote clients to display graphics on it. Use 'xhost +' as a starting point but you can make this more secure if you like. See 'man xhost'

You could also try vnc once you've installed vnc-server on your DB host.

add next string into /etc/profile or ~/.profile and relogin

DISPLAY="`who -m | cut -f2 -d'(' | cut -f1 -d')'`:0.0" 

( source in russian - )