conf snmp red hat 5

Please just installed in the company Red Hat Enterprise 5, I need to know how to configure the snmpd. conf cheymane community and you can collect the data it generates from a server which runs WhatsUp Gold
<email deleted per forum rules>

man snmpd.conf

A crude example for net-snmp (most of these options are using default values):

syslocation  Earth
syscontact cheymane
sysservices 72
pass . /path/to/local/passtest
rouser cheymane
rocommunity cheymane 
com2sec notConfigUser  <WhatsUpGold Host>       cheymane
group   notConfigGroup v1           notConfigUser
group   notConfigGroup v2c           notConfigUser
view    systemview    included   .
access  notConfigGroup ""      any       noauth    exact  all    all   all

any email where to send my snmpd.conf?