Conf file entry.


Lets say I have a script which reads a conf file (say MASTERFILE) line by line to fetch file_name, source_path, dest_path. But currently, here the file name are static for eg: ABC.txt or XYZ.txt. So i have hard-coded in the conf file.
So what happens that the script picks up the file_name from source_path and put it on the dest_path. Until this point all are ok as file_name is static.

Now my issue is:

Few files I have which are generating with the timestamp in the source_path, so naturally I cannot put that in the conf file.
For eg: today a file generate as TEST1_20110113, then tomorrow as TEST1_20110114, then TEST1_20110115.
Now how I can make an entry in the conf file or how I can change my script (which cat the MASTERFILE and reads line by line takes file_name, source_path, dest_path in variable and operate on that) so that I can use static file name and dynamic file name (as shown above) also to perform certain actions.

Please note: I donot want to hardcode file_name in the script at any point of time. It should fetch file name from MASTERFILE.

Please assist.

Please post your script to see where you are stuck.