Concatenating two files in required format

Firstly one of my mysql queries will yeild following output

| ID    | PLATFORM            | SORT_NAME         | DESCRIPTION                                                                |
| 11312 | ccm113              | LINUX             |                                                                            |

when i redirect it to one file, the tabluar format is not retained. Any idea how to retain the tabluar format even after retaining?? (or to provide a custom tabular format while redirecting?)

as of now i redirected it to one file it comes in below format witth mismatched spacing and indentation

cat output1.txt
11312   ccm113  LINUX

i have output of another script, its output is for respective ID of above mysql query, is as below

cat output2.txt
Availability: GREEN
Availability: RED
Availability: GREEN
Availability: RED
Availability: RED

now i want to merge output2.txt with output1.txt as additional column and still retain initial column or provide similiar column of mysql output.

is it feasible? any help is deeply appreciated.. thanks

PS: i want to achiveve finial output as below in a file

| 11312 | ccm113 | LINUX | | GREEN |

Put a header line on file 2 or remove from file 1 and 'paste'.

OK...well here is one way...

1) cat [your_first_mysqloutput_file] | sed 's/\t/","/g;s/^/"/;s/$/"/;s/\n//g' > your_first_new_file.csv
2) Do the same to the file you want to append to the first creating your_second_new_file.csv
3) cat your_second_new_file.csv >> your_first_new_file.csv
3) cat your_first_new_file.csv | sed 's/","/\t/g' > your_result