concatenate two files with different No of rows

need a shell which perform following function

file 1 ( every time new data comes)


file 2 (fixed line)

update bc_tbl set aix=data , bix=back where cix=U and serial=;

now when i execute shell it will concatinate file 1, file 2 & make file 3 as output

file 3

update bc_tbl set aix=data , bix=back where cix=U and serial=1212;
update bc_tbl set aix=data , bix=back where cix=U and serial=2323;
update bc_tbl set aix=data , bix=back where cix=U and serial=3434;
update bc_tbl set aix=data , bix=back where cix=U and serial=4545;
update bc_tbl set aix=data , bix=back where cix=U and serial=5656;


When you say the second file is fixed line, do you mean a single line in the file? because if it is the case, I don't really see what is the point for using a second file, you could just assign its content to a constant and use it in your script, no?.

Something like this ?

$ for line in $(cat file1); do sed "s/;$/$line;/g" file2 ; done > file3

try this

awk 'NR==FNR{tmp[NR]=$0}NR!=FNR{print tmp[FNR]$0}' static.txt dynamic.txt