concatenate 'n' number of columns in a file

i have a file which may have 'n' number of columns

1 222 fafda 32 afdaf 4343 4343
234 43fdaf 4343 fdd fdfd fdfd fdd fdfd fdfd
fdfd fdfd fdfd fdd fdfd fdfd

need to concatenate the columns with space separator using shell script

output should look like

1 222 fafda 32 afdaf 4343 4343
234 43fdaf 4343 fdd fdfd fdfd fdd fdfd fdfd
fdfd fdfd fdfd fdd fdfd fdfd

You need to put [ code] [/code ] tags around your examples so the formatting doesn't get lost.

I'd assume that the file contains just raw data and you want fixed width output. The printf command is probably what you want to use perhaps something like:

while read column
    printf "%-8s  "  "$column"
done < input.file
printf "\n"
awk '$1=$1' infile
$ ruby -ane 'puts $_.split.join(" ")' file