Concatenate Loop Results


I have the following situation:

Param1Values = AAAA,BBBB
Param1=$(echo $Param1Values| tr "," "\n")
for x in $Param1
    db2 select X from Y where Z IN ('$x')

Obviously the above will perform the select 'x' amount of times.

Is there a way in which i can concatanate the results of the loop into one string, so i can perform the select statement once?

So currently i will have:

db2 select X from Y where Z IN ('AAAA')
db2 select X from Y where Z IN ('BBBB')

Is there a way in which manipulating the above will result in:

db2 select X from Y where Z IN ('AAAA','BBBB')

NOTE: Param1Values will not have a set amount of values i.e. it wont always be 2 parameters, it can be different everytime.


Something like:


x=$(echo $Param1Values | sed "s/\(.*\),\(.*\)/'\1','\2'/")
db2 select X from Y where Z IN ('$x')


Thanks for the reply.

Will the above cater for an infinate amount of values that could be stored in the parameter?


if you have more than two values...

x=$(echo $Param1Values | awk -F, -v s=\' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {printf s $i s;printf (i==NF?_:",")}}' ) 
db2 select X from Y where Z IN ('$x')

Nealry there :smiley:

The above gives the result:

db2 select X from Y where Z IN (''AAAA''BBBB''CCC''DDD'')

How would i get the code to give the results in the format:

db2 select X from Y where Z IN ('AAAA','BBBB''CCC','DDD')

So that there is single quotes around each string, and comma seperated?

Thanks once again!

perl -e'
  printf "select X from Y where Z IN (%s)\n",
    join "," , map "\47$_\47", split ",", $ENV{Param1Values}

You should export the Param1Values variable before executing the script:

export Param1Values

Thanks for the reply, much appreciated, but i am trying to stay away from perl and use AWK or SED if possible.


Fixed here...

x=$(echo $Param1Values | awk -F, -v s=\' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {printf s $i s;printf (i==NF?_:",")}}' ) 
db2 select X from Y where Z IN ('$x')


x=$(echo $Param1Values | awk -F, '{$1=$1;print "\047" $0 "\047"}' OFS="\047,\047")

Thats worked the treat! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks alot!

With zsh:

% print $Param1Values        
% print ${(j:,:)${(qqs:,:)Param1Values}}

You can try also Franklin method...

x=$(echo $Param1Values | awk -F, '{$1=$1;print "\047" $0 "\047"}' OFS="\047,\047")
sed "s/,$/,,/; s/\([^,]*\)/'\1'/g; s/,$//"