Computing dataset for a specific record

Hello everybody,
I want to compute a data file in awk. I am new in awk and I need your help. The data file has the following fields. It has thousands of records.

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
0.85 0.07 Fre 42:86 25
0.73 0.03 frp 21:10 28
0.64 0.04 Fre 42:86 63
0.47 0.08 nie 25:76 32
0.37 0.01 veb 00:71 26
0.63 0.48 Fre 42:86 55
0.65 0.32 frp 21:10 19
0.53 0.56 nie 25:76 52
0.32 0.43 veb 00:71 18

Now I want to search this data for every specific record (e.g Fre in column3) and then select the minimum value of that specific record in column5.Consider Col4 as a primary key(unique value for every record).
The output should be like this:

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
0.85 0.07 Fre 42:86 25
0.65 0.32 frp 21:10 19
0.47 0.08 nie 25:76 32
0.32 0.43 veb 00:71 18

Thank you so much for your cooperation.

This ex. give tools to create dynamic tool for your needs.

# search only some lines
awk -v searchfld=3  -v searchvalue="Fre" -v minfld=5  -v keyfld=4 '
   BEGIN {
   ( $minfld < minvalue ) && ( $searchfld == searchvalue ) {
        print "minkey:",minkey," minvalue:",minvalue
    } '  inputfile

And solution for your needs:

awk -v keyfld=3  -v minfld=5  '
   BEGIN {
   Min[$keyfld]<1 { Min[$keyfld]=minvalue  }
   $minfld < Min[$keyfld]  {
        for (id in lines) {
                print lines[id]
    } ' inputfile

thanks alot kshji
it is working perfectly!!!
well done


awk ' NR>1 {if(arr[$3]=="") arr[$3]=$5; if(arr[$3] >= $5) { arr[$3]=$5; sarr[$3]=$0; }} END { for (i in sarr) { print sarr;  } }'  filename

yes dennis , it is also working but in this case we are considering Col3 as a key field.
I am thankful for your response.

---------- Post updated at 11:02 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:43 PM ----------

ok after finding the specific record with minimum Col5 value, just like the output as

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
0.85 0.07 Fre 42:86 25
0.65 0.32 frp 21:10 19
0.47 0.08 nie 25:76 32
0.32 0.43 veb 00:71 18

now how to find the specific record with max Col5 value , just like the output as

0.47 0.08 nie 25:76 32

I appreciate your help.

# max value of some fld
awk -v fld=5  '
   BEGIN {
   $fld > value {
        print line
    } '  inputfile
awk 'NR > 1 && $NF > a{a=$NF;line=$0}END{print line}' file
		print $_,"\n";
	my @tmp =split;
	my $key=$tmp[2]." ".$tmp[3];
	if(not exists $hash{$key}){
		if($tmp[4] < $hash{$key}->{min}){
foreach my $key(keys %hash){
	print $hash{$key}->{val},"\n";
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
0.85 0.07 Fre 42:86 25 
0.73 0.03 frp 21:10 28 
0.64 0.04 Fre 42:86 63 
0.47 0.08 nie 25:76 32
0.37 0.01 veb 00:71 26
0.63 0.48 Fre 42:86 55
0.65 0.32 frp 21:10 19
0.53 0.56 nie 25:76 52
0.32 0.43 veb 00:71 18

Thank you so much for your help

---------- Post updated 07-16-09 at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous update was 07-15-09 at 11:02 PM ----------

ok as I mentioned in my first post that if we have the following dataset:

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
0.85 0.07 Fre 42:86 25
0.73 0.03 frp 21:10 28
0.64 0.04 Fre 42:86 63
0.47 0.08 nie 25:76 32
0.37 0.01 veb 00:71 26
0.63 0.48 Fre 42:86 55
0.65 0.32 frp 21:10 19
0.53 0.56 nie 25:76 52
0.32 0.43 veb 00:71 18

after computing it and selecting the records with minimum Col5 value.
Then we will get the following dataset

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
0.85 0.07 Fre 42:86 25
0.65 0.32 frp 21:10 19
0.47 0.08 nie 25:76 32
0.32 0.43 veb 00:71 18

Now after getting this dataset, I want to select the record with max Col5 value.
So the final record should be

0.47 0.08 nie 25:76 32

Is it possible to do it in one program?
As in the previous post, it is a separate program, i mean how can we merge the two programs together.
Thanks a lot,

You can put to the same, but
Why to put in same ? You have two working small nice tools.
run first and output > newfile
run second using newfile as input ?
Or write bigger and harder ruleset to understand ? Why ?

Better solution is to make "mother script", which handle input and output using those little solutions. Main idea of *nix. (for me).


Can any one please tell me that what's wrong in the following code

BEGIN {FS="\t"; keyfield=4; minfield=5; minvalue=999999999999 }
$0!="" {
	min[$keyfield]<1 { min[$keyfield]=minvalue  }
	$minfield<min[$keyfield]  { lines[$keyfield]=$0; min[$keyfield]=$minfield  }
END {	
             for (id in lines) {
                		     print lines[id]

When I run this program, I get two syntax errors,

	min[$keyfield]<1 { min[$keyfield]=minvalue  }
  	                          ^ syntax error
                         $minfield<min[$keyfield]  { lines[$keyfield]=$0; min[$keyfield]=$minfield  }
                                	                       ^ syntax error

Syntax Errors at two opening brackets.Please I need your help.

You can't nest pattern/action pairs. Try...

BEGIN {FS="\t"; keyfield=4; minfield=5; minvalue=999999999999 }
$0=="" {next}
min[$keyfield]<1 { min[$keyfield]=minvalue  }
$minfield<min[$keyfield]  { lines[$keyfield]=$0; min[$keyfield]=$minfield  }
END {	
             for (id in lines) {
                		     print lines[id]
awk ' NR>1 {if(a[$3]=="") a[$3]=$5;if(a[$3]>=$5) {a[$3]=$5; sa[$3]=$0;}}NR>1&&$NF>x{x=$NF;line=$0}END{for(i in sa){print sa};printf "\n%s",line}' file
0.85 0.07 Fre 42:86 25
0.47 0.08 nie 25:76 32
0.65 0.32 frp 21:10 19
0.32 0.43 veb 00:71 18

0.47 0.08 nie 25:76 32

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