compress in linux

i need to use compress command in redhat8, it's not there

please help


as an alternative, try using gzip as this should work just the same. I beleive that gunzip will also uncompress files compressed with the program compresss (Im sure I will be corrected if I am wrong :wink: )

gzip will work but i need to use compress because i'll transfer the compressed files to unix system using uncompress command

I dont understand what you mean when you say that you will transfer the files using the uncompress command. Can you elaborate? In general, using gzip, compress and zcat should all work the same to compress a file while their complement to uncompress a file is gunzip, uncompress, and zcat, respectively.


As I know, 'compress' command might not found in Linux. As google's suggestion, you may use 'gzip' to do you job because most of unix systems contain this command.

this is what i meant

i transfer compressed files from linux to unix system

the scripts in the unix system (which treat these files) contains the uncompress command

so if i use gzip (in linux) i will not be able to uncompress it in the other system (unix)


omran, you have two choices here...

You could add compress to your linux system. If you do that SCO might sue you.

You could add gunzip to your unix system. It is free software. No chance of a lawsuit here.

Still can't decide? Here's some more info...

gzip/gunzip uses a better compression algorithm than compress/uncompress.

Major unix systems like hp-ux and sunos have free software sites. They will have gzip/gunzip precompiled and ready to install. And we can probably help if you encounter any problems getting gzip/gunzip on your unix system.

You will need to get the source code to compress somewhere and port it yourself to linux. Between the facts that compress is lame and SCO is aggressively claimly ownership, you won't find much support along that path.

But the decision is yours. Let us know which way you decide to go. :slight_smile: