Complex find and replace only 1st instance string with dynamic combination

test.txt is the dynamic file but some of combination are fix

like below are the lines

;wonder_off =
;wonder_off = disabled
wonder_off =
wonder_off = disabled

the test.txt can content them in any order

#cat test.xt 
;wonder_off =
;wonder_off = disabled
wonder_off =
wonder_off = disabled


#cat test.xt 
wonder_off =
wonder_off = disabled
;wonder_off =
;wonder_off = disabled

I need to find and replace only 1st instatnce of the test.xt

example if:

#cat test.xt 
;wonder_off =
;wonder_off = disabled
wonder_off =
wonder_off = disabled

find ";wonder_off =" and replace it with "wonder_off = "Enabled,working_bar,extra_deft""

Result should be :

cat test.xt 
wonder_off = "Enabled,working_bar,extra_deft"
;wonder_off = disabled
wonder_off =
wonder_off = disabled

I can managed to get only 1st line which can be any combination i mention above

#VAR=`cat test.xt | head -1`

#echo $VAR
;wonder_off =

How can I Find only 1st instance with matching string and replace it with "wonder_off = "Enabled,working_bar,extra_deft""

Try this untested code

awk 'BEGIN{done=0;}$0 ~ /;wonder_off=/{if(done ==0){gsub(/;wonder_off/,";wonder_off=\"Enabled,working_bar\"",$0);done=1;}print;}' file

pls configure substitute string based on your req.

replace FILE with your file name :

sed -i "`grep -n ^\;wonder_off FILE|cut -d':' -f1 |head -1`s/\;wonder_off =/wonder_off = \"Enabled,working_bar,extra_deft\"/" FILE

for reminder, there are two FILE to replace in the code :wink:

Thanks you both

but you missed one VERY IMP thing

the first line can be anything from the combination as i mention
can be
;wonder_off =
can be
;wonder_off = disabled
can be
wonder_off =
can be
wonder_off = disabled

oh, not a problem , just add a $ at the end of grep regex :

sed -i "`grep -n "^\;wonder_off$" FILE|cut -d':' -f1 |head -1`s/\;wonder_off =/wonder_off = \"Enabled,working_bar,extra_deft\"/" FILE

and its done :slight_smile:
now replace


to anything you want to find , and replace

;wonder_off =

to anything you want to replace.

$ sed 's,;wonder_off =$,wonder_off = "Enabled\,working_bar\,extra_deft",1' infile