Complete Screen Output to Log File


I would need to log the whole screen ouput to a log file.
All Inputs from the Agent, all echo�s and DBMS Outputs from the PL/SQL.
Basicly everything what I can see during the run on the screen.

I tried it already with

#exec 2>$BASELOG/RUN.log
#exec 1>$BASELOG/RUN.log
#exec > $BASELOG/RUN.log 2>&1 | tee $BASELOG/RUN.log

But nowone of this command is doing what I need.

The issue is that the command should be in the *.ksh
and not startet with the re-direct command from the c.line like: > Job.log 2>&1

I am thankfull for any help.

I am working with ksh

Look at the man page for "script". It may be what you are looking for.