Compiled Files

I am using SCO Unix with a Progress Database. There are files that 'pop up' and cause problems. I need to be able to read these files but they are compiled and I don't know how to un-compile them.

Is there some kind of software / shareware that I can download to view these files?

Is anyone familiar with pl315870.r, pl4B813.r, pl948E75 or pl9389.r files? Sometimes there are six files that pop up - they start off the same but have different numbers.

Any suggestions / comments would be greatly appreciated.

I am no expert on SCO or even Progress Database but will 'strings' command help you at all? That's the only thing I can think of...

I'm not an expert in SCO nor in Progress and I'm not sure what it means to have a file "pop up". But in general, compiled files result from running a compiler on a source file. That means that there are two possibilities.

If you wrote the source code, don't you still have it? If you lost the source code to something that you wrote and it's not working well, maybe a rewrite is in order.

If the object files came from a third party, you need to enlist that third party's aid. If they no longer support the code, maybe they will let you have a copy of the source code.

Also, if this is executable code, in the sense that an exec() system call can run it, you can use adb to disassemble it.

And I agree that you may be able to get some useful information via strings.