Compile 64bit Murrine Theme Engine


I am trying to compile a 64bit version of the Murrine theme engine on Solaris 11.3

I can compile the 32bit version successfully.

uname -a gives me:

I unzip the zip file from murrine on github

Then I change directory to it.

Then I export my path to include

because I was getting this error:

So I compiled it and placed it in /usr/local/bin

To compile Murrine:

That returns:





Does the install claim anywhere that there is a 64bit version in the install package?

We run a lot of very expensive packages on Solaris 11 64bit systems, that are in fact 32 bit. All run fine, obviously. And interoperate with 64bit images as well.

I was on the linuxquestions forums earlier asking about this. And one of them successfully compiled a 64bit murrine theme engine on Linux. So I know its possible.

The 32bit library works great in Solaris for most of the apps. But Java apps use the 64bit version.

There is no need to compile gnu gettext, it is available with Solaris 11.3.

You need to install the package if not already there

pkg install gnu-gettext

and have /usr/gnu/bin set before /usr/bin in your PATH:


That's not the documented way to build it.

Tell you want a 64 bit library with:

export CFLAGS=-m64

then run:

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