Comparison of two files

Hi all

I have two files which I have to compare that whetehr there is soemthing common or not

 	 	 	 	body, div, table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, th, td, p \{ font-family: "Liberation Sans"; font-size: x-small; \} 	   	 	 		 			
 	 	 	 	body, div, table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, th, td, p \{ font-family: "Liberation Sans"; font-size: x-small; \} 	   	 	 		 			
	 		 			If column 1 in one file is matching wiht column 1 of second file then write column 2 of first file and column 2 of second file in front of it

Please let me know scripting regading this.


Do you want line-by-line matching?


Thanks for reply.

I have a first ile like this

so gene name in one file has to match with gene name in other file but PA39 is actually not included in gene name only letter in caps are inlcuded in genen name in second file.

So it shuld match only with gene name not PA entries

if its same then before that common name there shuld be entry of scondm column of scond file and first file with no PA entries if possible