compare two txt files

i have two files

absgsh jshsh
shshhs hshhs

kakkaka iurir
brbrbrbr rjrbjrhjkehr rgjhergrhg hrghrgh jrhgrjg

i want bash shell script to campare line1-file1 - line-file2 line2-file1 -line2 file2 ........ ( without diff , cmp , comm )


maybe 'man comm'....

can you check if the below is useful

to run the below script

ex: <oldfile> <newfile>

diff -b -w ${1} ${2} > ${1}.diff
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo "Added: "
diff -b -w ${1} ${2} | grep "^< "
echo "Removed: "
diff -b -w ${1} ${2} | grep "^> "
echo "Files were added/removed"
exit < ${1}.diff

            rm $\{1\}.diff

Not using diff,comm,cmp?? here's one example in Python

import filecmp
if filecmp.cmp("file1.txt","file2.txt") :
   print "they are equal"
   print "they are not equal"

why don't you you want to use these commands ?


You can use the following Perl script to compare two files. But please note that such practice should not be encouraged. When you already have the commands to do the job, writing your own script to do the same is not recommended.

# Purpose: compare two files and show differences
# usage: filename1 filename2

use strict;
use warnings;

my $file1 = shift or die "filename missing \n";
my $file2 = shift or die "filename missing \n";

open (FILE1, "< $file1") or die "Can not read file $file1: $! \n";
my @file1_contents = <FILE1>; # read entire contents of file
close (FILE1);

open (FILE2, "< $file2") or die "Can not read file $file2: $! \n";
my @file2_contents = <FILE2>; # read entire contents of file
close (FILE2);

my $length1 = $#file1_contents; # number of lines in first file
my $length2 = $#file2_contents; # number of lines in second file

if ($length1 > $length2) {
# first file contains more lines than second file
my $counter2 = 0;
foreach my $line_file1 (@file1_contents) {
chomp ($line_file1);

    if \(defined \($file2_contents[$counter2]\)\) \{
    \# line exists in second file
        chomp \(my $line_file2 = $file2_contents[$counter2]\);

        if \($line_file1 ne $line_file2\) \{
            print "\\nline " . \($counter2 \+ 1\) . " \\n";
            print "&lt; $line_file1 \\n" if \($line_file1 ne ""\); 
            print "--- \\n";
            print "&gt; $line_file2 \\n\\n" if \($line_file2 ne ""\);
    else \{
    \# there is no line in second file
        print "\\nline " . \($counter2 \+ 1\) . " \\n";
        print "&lt; $line_file1 \\n" if \($line_file1 ne ""\); 
        print "--- \\n";
        print "&gt; \\n";  \# this line does not exist in file2
    $counter2\+\+;  \# point to the next line in file2

else {
# second file contains more lines than first file
# or both have equal number of lines
my $counter1 = 0;
foreach my $line_file2 (@file2_contents) {
chomp ($line_file2);

    if \(defined \($file1_contents[$counter1]\)\) \{
    \# line exists in first file
        chomp \(my $line_file1 = $file1_contents[$counter1]\);

        if \($line_file1 ne $line_file2\) \{
            print "\\nline " . \($counter1 \+ 1\) . " \\n";
            print "&lt; $line_file1 \\n" if \($line_file1 ne ""\);
            print "--- \\n";
            print "&gt; $line_file2 \\n" if \($line_file2 ne ""\);
    else \{
    \# there is no line in first file
        print "\\nline " . \($counter1 \+ 1\) . " \\n";
        print "&lt; \\n";  \# this line does not exist in file1
        print "--- \\n";
        print "&gt; $line_file2 \\n" if \($line_file2 ne ""\);
    $counter1\+\+;  \# point to next line in file1


awk '
FILENAME == "f1" { arr[$0]++}
FILENAME == "f2" { if ( arr[$0] != 1 ) { print "f2:" $0 ;delete arr[$0]}
                  else  delete arr[$0]
for ( key in arr ) print "f1:" key
}' f1 f2


Merged your two threads as you are still asking the same question - and I'll repeat the question asked already - Why don't you want to use diff, cmp, or comm?