Compare two string in two separate file and delete some line of file

Hi all
i want to write program with shell script that able compare two file content and if one of lines of file have # at the first of string or nothing find same string in one of two file . remove the line in second file that have not the string in first file. for example:

file 1:config-file.conf
snd sound card
snd1 sound card
if user put # at first of string and save it , like: # snd sound card in config file
the program goes to second file for example
blacklist snd sound card
blacklist snd1 sound card
and delete line blacklist snd sound card

or if user delet snd sound card string in config file , and then save it.program can remove blacklist snd sound card line
in blacklist -sound.conf

sorry for bad English
than x

---------- Post updated at 02:43 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:30 PM ----------

I should mention that both are required to be written in one shell script .means both
put # and remove string method work whit gather.
than x

Try this code and verify if you are getting desired output:-

grep "^#" config-file.conf | sed 's/#//g' | while read line
        grep -v "${line}" blacklist-sound.conf

If yes, then you can redirect the output to a temporary file and rename it back to original file: blacklist-sound.conf

One way with assumptions:

awk 'FNR==NR{if(/^#/) {gsub(/^#[ \t]*|[ \t]*$/,"");del[$0]}
else if(!/^[ \t]*(\{[ \t]*$|<)/) {gsub(/^[ \t]*|[ \t]*$/,"");exists[$0]};next}
{t=$0;if(sub(/^[ \t]*blacklist[ \t]*/,"",t) && ((t in del) || !(t in exists))) next}1' config-file.conf blacklist-sound.conf