Compare two columns in two files and print the difference

one file
. . importing table employee 119
. . importing table jobs 1
2nd file

. . importing table employee 120
. . importing table jobs 1

and would like compare 3rd colums(which is employee) in both files print only not matched

employee 119
employee 120


You can do something like that :

awk '
   val1[$5] = $6;
   val2[$5] = "N/A";
   if (! ($5 in val1)) val1[$5] = "N/A";
   val2[$5] = $6;
   for (col in val1) {
      printf "%12s : %9s : %9s\n", col, val1[col], val2[col];
' jr1.txt jr2.txt

Inputfile~#1 (jr1.txt)

. . importing table new 34
. . importing table employee 119
. . importing table jobs 1

Input file #2 (jr2.txt)

. . importing table employee 120
. . importing table old 763
. . importing table jobs 1


        jobs :         1 :         1
         new :        34 :       N/A
         old :       N/A :       763
    employee :       119 :       120


diff <(grep employee file1) <(grep employee file2) |awk '/employee/{print $(NF-1),$NF}'