Compare one files with strings from another + remove lines

Have two files and want to compare the content of file1 with file2. When matched remove the line.

awk 'NR==FNR {b[$0]; next} !(b in $0)' file1 file2


1. if match
2. remove


1. this line has to be removed if match
2. this line has a match, remove
3. this line has no match, no removing

The code does not remove the matches.

What exactly are you matching? None of those lines match...

If your grep supports -f then grep -vf file1 file2 (or vice-versa) may do what you want.

Two lines match and need to be removed with awk


if match


1. this line has to be removed if match
2. this line has a match, remove
3. this line has no match, no removing


3. this line has no match, no removing

This is what i was looking for. It prints only lines which do NOT match strings stored in a seperate file.

awk -FS=" " 'NR==FNR {b[$0]; next} {for (x in b) if($0 ~ x) next;print $0}'

Took me some hours but finally got the code.:slight_smile: