Compare Hex Value from CSV File

I have a one CSV File Contain Hex Value

here is a sample file

6300, 0x0, 0x60d0242c6, , 0x728e5806, unnamedImageEntryPoint_0x728e5806, 0x728e$
6300, 0x0, 0x60d024c52, , 0x728e8cb7, unnamedImageEntryPoint_0x728e8cb7, 0x728e$
6300, 0x0, 0x60d025638, , 0x728e82da, unnamedImageEntryPoint_0x728e82da, 0x728e$
6300, 0x0, 0x60d025fc6, , 0x728e4bd2, unnamedImageEntryPoint_0x728e4bd2, 0x728e$
6300, 0x0, 0x60d026986, , 0x728e4b52, unnamedImageEntryPoint_0x728e5806, 0x728e$

from csv file I want to compare hex value and need line no in output


1). if search value is '0x60d025638' then it will return 3 as output
2). if search value is '0x60d025639' then it will return 4 as output, as search value is not in csv so it will return next line.

Thanks in advance.

Using gawk, pass hex as argument:

gawk -F',' --non-decimal-data -v H=$hex ' {
     if(H==H3) { print $0; f=1; }
     if((H<H3)&&(f!=1)) { print $0; exit 1; }
}' filename

Assuming the file is sorted on column 3, try:

awk -F', ' 's<=$3{print NR; exit}' s=0x60d025638 file