Compare columns of 2 files based on condition defined in a different file

I have a control file which tells me which are the fields in the files I need to compare and based on the values I need to print the exact value if key =Y and output is Y , or if output is Y/N then I need to print only Y if it matches or N if it does not match and if output =N , then skip the feild to compare and write it to a output file
For ex:
my control file

my output should be

I was trying to do it in 2 parts and then combine, but I am lost, need your help to combine this logic.

# to copy the field names as the header in the report file.
nawk -F\| 'END {print x } $NF =="Y" || $NF == "Y\/N" { printf "%s",$2 FS >> "report_file" }' control_file

To compare the 2 files and print the output as Y or N

nawk -F'|' '{ getline x <f; split(x,F,"|")}
NR >1 {for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) $i=(F==$i)?"Y";"N"}1' OFS="|" f=file2 file1

I can do then seperately, but I am not able to read the control file and compare the files based on the control file.

Please help me.
Thanks in Advance

Something like this,

awk -F'|' 'NR==FNR && NR>1 {a[++i]=$1$3;next} FNR>1 {if (b[FNR]) { c[FNR]=$0} else {b[FNR]=$0}} END {for(k in c) {split(c[k],d,"|");split(b[k],e,"|") ;for (j=1;j<=6;j++) {if (a[j]=="YY") {printf "%s|", d[j]} else if(a[j] != "NN") {printf "%s|" ,(d[j]==e[j])?"Y":"N"}}printf "\n"}}' control_file file1 file2

Thanks a lot Pravin, wish you happy deepavali to you. I ran the script and this is the output I got.


Can you please explain me the code, so that I can make changes accordingly.
Thanks once again.

I hope this will help you.

awk -F'|' 'NR==FNR && NR>1 {a[++i]=$1$3;next}   #Read first file i.e. control_file starting from line 2 and fill the  array 'a' with value $1$3 i.e. Key and output field
            FNR>1 { if (b[FNR]) { c[FNR]=$0} else { b[FNR]=$0} } #Read file1 and file2 and fill the array 'b' for file1 and 'c' for file2
            END {
                for(k in c) {
                             split(c[k],d,"|");split(b[k],e,"|") ; # fill the array 'd' and 'e' by spilting record into fields of file1 and file2
                             for (j=1;j<=6;j++) {
                                                 if (a[j]=="YY") { #if key and output both are 'Y' then print the field as it is
                                                                  printf "%s|", d[j]
                                                 else if(a[j] != "NN") {  #if key and output both are not 'N'
                                                                        printf "%s|" ,(d[j]==e[j])?"Y":"N" #if field from file1 and file2 same then print 'Y' else 'N'
                                                  }printf "\n"
                 }' control_file file1 file2

thanks a lot Pravin works fine compare fields would change I can not hardcode the vaule in for (j=1;j<=6;j++).

I tried couple of things like for (j=1;j<=NF;j++) ..the result set had more fields.
I even tried this

nawk -F'|' 'num==NF;NR==FNR && NR>1 {a[++i]=$1$3;next}   
             FNR>1 { if (b[FNR]) { c[FNR]=$0} else { b[FNR]=$0} } 
             END {printf "\n"
                 for(k in c) {
                              split(c[k],d,"|");split(b[k],e,"|") ; 
                              for (j=1;j<=$num;j++) {
                                                  if (a[j]=="YY") { 
                                             printf "%s|", d[j]
                                                  else if(a[j] != "NN") {  
                                                                         printf "%s|" ,(d[j]==e[j])?"Y":"N" 
                                                   }printf "\n" 
                  }' ctl_file file_1 file_2

can you please help me.

Thanks in Advacne


You can use the below for loop, bcoz we are taking records in array 'a' with index 'i'


thanks Pravin, it worked. Can I pass the field delimiter as a variable.B'cas I need to read the output format from a file.
for ex: instead of nawk -F'|' -- can I do it something like this
output_format=| or output_format=\t
nawk -F'$output_format' ... does this work, or is there anyother way to do it.

You can do like this,

awk -F"[|\t]" 'your code' filename