Compare 2 files using sdiff command output

Hi All,

I have written the shell script which does the following :

a. Reads the *.cnf file content from the specified input folder path

b. Grep's some strings from the .cnf file and writes the output in result file(.cnf_result.txt) in output folder

c. Now, if we get new version of config files, then will put new files in input folder and run the script again

d. First script checks if there is any output files already generated, if so then it archives those files and copies to archive path

e. After archiving, it run the same grep's command onto the new file and generates the new set of result file under result path

f. Then, it check if the same file present in the archive folder if so, it compares the new result file with archived result file and generate the new *.cnf_cmp.txt file

Now, the problem is with compare result file, since am using sdiff command(does line by line comparision), it prints both old file content and as well new file content side by side
and prints the symbols ( < > | ) in between if there is any difference found.

My question is,

  1. Is there any better way/solution/approach/logic that we can do this

2.Can we add color codes to the lines present in the *.cnf_cmp.txt file so that, i will be easy to read/identify the changes.

like, if there is line found in old file which is not present in new, then mark that line in yellow color.. something like that.

Thanks for reading the post anyhelp is much appreciated.
Path :

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4890 Feb 25 10:29
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 7 Feb 25 11:01 input
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 6 Feb 25 11:18 archive
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2940 Feb 25 11:18 list_files
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 149 Feb 25 11:18 output

Main script :

root@atta # cat
compare_config () {
OLD_DIR=`ls -lt $ARCHIVE_DIR | grep -v "total" | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $9}'`
echo "******Compared result with files in $OLD_DIR******"
echo "****************************************************"
ls -l $ARCHIVE_DIR/$OLD_DIR | awk '{print $9}' > list_files
grep "result" list_files | while read result_file; do
#echo "Compare $OUTPUT_DIR/$result_file with $ARCHIVE_DIR/$OLD_DIR/$result_file"
if [ ! -z $OUTPUT_DIR/$result_file ]; then
sdiff $OUTPUT_DIR/$result_file $ARCHIVE_DIR/$OLD_DIR/$result_file >> $OUTPUT_DIR/`echo $result_file | sed 's/_result.txt//'`_cmp.txt
echo "****************************************************"
echo "****************Running Config Checks Script********************"
[ -d $OUTPUT_DIR ] && mv $OUTPUT_DIR $ARCHIVE_DIR/Archive_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
#find /usr/config_check/input/conf/ -name '*.new' -print | while read src
find /usr/config_check/input/conf/ -name '*.cnf' -print | while read src
dest=$(dirname "$src" | sed 's:.*/::')
dest="${dest}_$(basename "$src")"
#log=$(basename "$dest" .cnf)_result.txt
log=`echo $(basename "$dest") | sed 's/.new//'`_result.txt
cp "$src" "$OUTPUT_DIR/$dest"
echo "****Printing userName parameter result*********" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
grep userName "$OUTPUT_DIR/$dest" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "****************************************************" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "****Printing hostList parameter result*********" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
grep hostList "$OUTPUT_DIR/$dest" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "*****************************************************" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "****Printing appServiceName parameter result*********" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
grep appServiceName "$OUTPUT_DIR/$dest" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "*****************************************************" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "****Printing routeList parameter result*********" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
grep routeList "$OUTPUT_DIR/$dest" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "*****************************************************" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "****Printing port parameter result*********" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
grep "route\*port" "$OUTPUT_DIR/$dest" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "*****************************************************" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "****Printing protocol parameter result*********" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
grep protocol "$OUTPUT_DIR/$dest" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "*****************************************************" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "****Printing serverList parameter result*********" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
grep serviceList "$OUTPUT_DIR/$dest" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "****Printing serverId parameter result*********" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
grep serverId "$OUTPUT_DIR/$dest" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "*****************************************************" >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/$log"
echo "**Config Checks Script execution completed.Please check the results in output folder**"
echo "****************************************************"
#Call compare config function

Adding color is tricky, because the position of the gutter is dynamically determined. If you knew what is was and the escape sequences for your $TERM (which is color capable) then it is just a bit of post-processing. Maybe you should be looking for a GUI sdiff replacement, like the file comparison that came with my Borland Starteam.

Finding changes is easier if you change to a 'diff -u' format or 'diff -U99999', since the line prefix says what color to change it to. Easier to search for in text viewing tools, too.

Finding new/deleted/changed files might be faster using "comm -3 <( cd head1 ; find ... | xargs ... cksum | sort ) <( cd head2 ; find ... | xargs ... cksum | sort )|...."

1 Like

Hi All,

Please let me know for my below query:

I have files called a.txt, b.txt. Please find the file content given below:

a.txt having:

2 123456 01 2012-01-30 0000029999
2 123548 01 2011-01-30 0000029999
2 524879 01 2002-01-30 0000030000
2 789456 01 2012-01-30 0000029999
2 123456 01 2010-05-30 0000019000

b.txt having:

2 123456 01 2012-01-30 0000029999
2 123548 01 2011-01-30 0000029999
2 524879 01 2002-01-30 0000030000

I am expecting to get the difference only as mentioned below

2 789456 01 2012-01-30 0000029999
2 123456 01 2010-05-30 0000019000

So please help me out to get the required output as mentioned through ksh command. Thanks in advance.

I am looking your reply. Please help me to solve this issue.

Aravindhan Devarajan

Please see this link on how to add colors to output of shell scripts.
First, ksh is not a command per se, but a shell.
Second, this code snippet should at least get you started:

cat /dev/null > diff.txt
while read line_from_a; do
	while read line_from_b; do
		if [ "$line_from_a" != "$line_from_b" ]; then
			echo $line_from_a >> diff txt
	done < b.txt
done < a.txt

Please note that the code above makes the following assumptions:
1) The number of lines in a.txt is greater than the number of lines in b.txt.
2) To produced your desired output, all the lines in b.txt must appear in a.txt, so that only the lines that are in a.txt but not in b.txt will be redirected to diff.txt.
Hope it helps.

That's a Cartesian join sort of solution. Try using associative vectors to hold one file.

If you can develop a normalized form for the files and normalize them, then any differences can be seen in context as new or missing leaves.

For color message you can do something like this

$ cat

# Display colorized information output
function cinfo() {
    COLOR='\033[01;33m'    # bold yellow
    RESET='\033[00;00m'    # normal white
    MESSAGE=${@:-"${RESET}Error: No message passed"}
    echo -e "${COLOR}${MESSAGE}${RESET}"
# Display colorized warning output
function cwarn() {
    COLOR='\033[01;31m'    # bold red
    RESET='\033[00;00m'    # normal white
    MESSAGE=${@:-"${RESET}Error: No message passed"}
    echo -e "${COLOR}${MESSAGE}${RESET}"

cinfo "\t\tThis is normal color yellow\n"
cwarn "\t\tThis is warning in red\n"


$ bash
        This is normal color yellow

        This is warning in red