Comment ( -- ) lines from 10 to 25 for every .sql file

Platform : RHEL 5.4

I have several .sql files in a directory. I want to comment lines 10 to 25 for all .sql files.
How can I do this ?

The symbol for comment in SQL is --


-- select salary from emp where empname = 'URS' ;


sed '10,25 s/\(.*\)/-- \1/' infile.sql

To process all of the sql files in the current directory at once, you could try:

for i in *.sql
do      if sed '10,25s/^/-- /' $i > tmp$$.sql
        then    mv tmp$$.sql $i
        else    ec=1
                rm -f tmp$$.sql
exit $ec

And just for grins yet another 1 liner...

for i in *.sql ; do ex -s +"10,25 s/^/-- / | wq" $i ; done