Commands and Command Line Flags


I'm very new to unix, am learning it as part of my new job.

I have a book which has a list in the back, of a number of commands and their command line flags, detailing what these flags are used for.

I've been looking everywhere for an electronic copy of this type of list, so I can print it out and write some notes on it. Does anyone have a copy (or know where I can get one) of a similar list?

Hope that made sense, and I'm sorry if this has been posted in the wrong forum.

Use this

And pick out the commands you need and print.

The list you are referrring to, if you give a few details on that viz. book title et al.. then you might find someone who has a soft-copy of that book.


Cheers for the reply

Book is called: Unix Visual Quickstart Guide (2nd Edition)
Authors: Deborah S Ray and Eric J Ray
Published by Peachpit Press

I've emailed the authors (mail returned undeliverable) and the publishers but still no joy getting the list.

Hope that helps

I am not surprised they did not reply.

I suggest you try google extensively.

Here is (probably ?) what you are looking for.

Cheers' & Good times ahead !


You little Beauty :smiley:

Thank you very very much :slight_smile: