command unix to list all files created since n month ago


I want to list all files that were created since 3 month ago.

it exist a unix command to do it ?

thank you

See the find command. man find Specifically at the -newer flag


thank you for you'r answering.

I try find -newer, but it didn't do what Iwant.

My goal is ths list all files that were created since 3 months or more from the current date

ex. if the date is 01-12-2003 , then I want to list all files created before 01-09-2003.


You can use ! -newer to find out the files which are older than the file.

you can find some way for the date. I could not think of any at the moment



ok I can create a file and make its date to 3 momths ago and after and I use find -newer file, but my goal is the list the older files than this file not the recent files.

thank you

find dir \! -newer

Here is the 3months old file
dir is the desired directory in which you want to search you can give / if you want to search from the root


Yeah got how to change the date of the file just create some junk file

then do the following

touch -t (Desired date see the man page for help) junkfile



you helpull was very benebic for me.

this is what I did

-- I create a file : touch date --date='3 months ago' myfile

-- to find it : find dir \! -newer myfile

thank you

FYI also useful to do tar of data if you want to use a date as a marker...

I did this to backup files since my backup the nite before to do a FULL backup before I upgraded my box... very handy...