Command to View Processor Usage

Hi everyone, i used to know the command to show current CPU usage but i cannot remember it. It was not "Top". Openserver 6.

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sar -u 1 10

parameter 1 is interval in seconds, parameter 2 is number to times to report.


ps -A -o "pid=" -o "pcpu=" |awk '$2 > 5 {print $1 " " $2}' | sort -r +1  

to list processes in descending order of cpu usage.

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cat /proc/loadavg

That�s Linux? Portable is


System load is the length of certain queues in the kernel. One of them is the run queue which is CPU related.

Thank you both! "Uptime" was it, that's what i used to use a while back. But ... sar -u 1 10 is VERY useful as well. I will use this more regularly.