Command to see the status of managed node from CLI of HMC?


Asking a silly question - is there a way to know the status(Power Off/Running) of a managed node from CLI of HMC, alike the way we see it for the LPARs running on the node from 'vtmenu'?

Most of us use the UI to see the status of the LPARs/Managed node - but just inquisitive to know if there is a CLI cmd to see the same for the managed node?


-- Souvik

A basic question, yes, but definitely not silly at all.

The commands to power down/on a managed system are:

hscroot@hmc # chsysstate -m <ms-name> -r sys -o [on|off]

to just list the state of the MS use the lssyscfg command. A state of "Operating" means "powered on", "Power Off" means exactly that.


hscroot@hmc # lssyscfg -r sys -F name,state
MS-ONE,Power Off
MS-THREE,No Connection

See the man pages for lssyscfg and chsysstate �for details and possible variations on these commands.

I hope this helps.


root@hmc>lssyscfg -r sys -F name:serial_num:state
root@hmc> lssyscfg -m NAME-SERVER -r lpar -F name:state

ahem... i don't think you need to (or should) become "root" only to issue this command. Most probably this works as "hscroot".

I hope this helps.


Hello Bakunin,

Your help worked, many thanks.. :slight_smile:

-- Souvik