command to find the owner of a db


Im working with an Informix db, i would like to know the command to identify the owner of a particular database



there are two ways

1-normally if the informix data file created in the file system not as physical file

you can access the /dev directory and search for the permissions of the lvinformix

cd /dev
ls -l *informix*

check the owner of those files then you will know the user how have the permission to access the db

or simply

check the owner of the file onconfig which located in the system which the same
owner of the DB

Best Regards

If you mean, you want to know, who created a particular database, you can query the sysdatabases view in the sysmaster database:

database sysmaster;
select owner from sysdatabases where name = "name of the db";

or, if you do not want to change the current database:

select owner from sysmaster:sysdatabases where name = "name of the db";