command in Script one to start script2

Hardly registered and already I am asking another question! :slight_smile:
Following script gets started everyday with a cronjob:


#Variablen f�r das Script
Tag=`date +%d`
Monat=`date +%m`

#Verzeichniss wechseln damit script von wo auch immer ausgefuert werden kann
cd $Dir

#Dir erstellen, Zippen und die gezippten files in das neue Dir moven
mkdir $Dir/"$Vortag""$Monat"
gzip *_"$Vortag"_*.tpr
mv *.gz $Dir/"$Vortag""$Monat"

#Aeltestes Directory l�schen
rm -rf "$Loeschtag"*

#Temporaerer Code fuer Michi und David fuer Inv dateien
mkdir $TprDave/"$Vortag""$Monat"
cp $Dir/"$Vortag""$Monat"/inv* $TprDave/"$Vortag""$Monat"

#Temp Datei erstellen fuer Status report
touch $Dir/tmp.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Script erfolgreich Ausgefuert" > $Dir/status.txt
echo "Script nicht erfolgreich Ausgefuert!  Bitte $tp pruefen." > status.txt
#End of Script

After this script runs through i need to start this script:


recipient=`more $tp/email.txt`

echo "*************************************" > mailbody.txt
echo `date` >> mailbody.txt
echo "*************************************" >> mailbody.txt
echo >> mailbody.txt

echo "*************************************" >> mailbody.txt
echo "Tracefile status" >> mailbody.txt
echo "*************************************" >> mailbody.txt

echo `more $tp/status.txt` >> mailbody.txt
echo >> mailbody.txt

echo "*************************************" >> mailbody.txt
echo "Plattenfuellstand" >> mailbody.txt
echo "*************************************" >> mailbody.txt

df -k >> mailbody.txt
echo >> mailbody.txt

echo "*************************************" >> mailbody.txt
echo "Fehlermeldungen" >> mailbody.txt
echo "*************************************" >> mailbody.txt

dia -R >> mailbody.txt
echo "EOF" >> mailbody.txt

mailx -s "Pikettdaten" $recipient < mailbody.txt

rm -f mailbody.txt

I read a bunch of stuff here how to do things with cronjobs but since I am relativly new to scripting here and always learning I could not figure out how to make my scripts work consecutivly.

So once again I would be happy for any help.
And just on the something on the side: I know from vba that there are proper and improper ways to code. Although both might work one is better than the other. How is the coding here?

Thnx and KR

As long as script 2 has it's executable flag set then simply placing the path of the script at the end of script 1 should call it.

echo "This is script 1"
exit 0

echo "This is script 2"
echo "I live at /usr/local/bin/script2"
exit 0

for your answer but as I found out now that we have a new month I need to solve another problem before I can call the the other script.

So thanks again!
