Command for finding RAM size in HP-UX

I am trying to find RAM size in my HP-UNIX server. what command I should use for this?

I am using top command but not clear about below line from top o/p

Memory: 1517080K (471284K) real, 1877692K (751256K) virtual, 8078944K free Page# 1/6

Try this:

echo "selclass qualifier memory;info;wait;infolog" | /usr/sbin/cstm


Thanks a lot for your quick response.

It's showing Total Physical Memory: 32768 MB , Total Configured Memory: 32768 MB, that means 32 GB.

Is my interpretation correct?


  • although it is meant for 'swap space' inquiry, it shows a line starting with the word "memory" - and this is the size of your physical memory.
$ swapinfo


good luck, and success !

alexandre botao
("comets never dodge")