command for deleting log files based on some condition


Can anyone pls. provide me with the command for deleting files older then 15 days with a restriction to keep at least 5 files in a directory even if they are older then 15 days.

Any help will be highly appreciated.


What is the reason to this on your system, or is it homework?


Yes its a kind of assignment...:slight_smile:

Ok, some hints:

To find older files you can use the find command with the -mtime option.
To keep 5 files of the selection you can pipe the result to awk, to ignore the first 5 files you can do something like:

awk 'NR<6{next}{print}'

So it should look like:

find <options> | awk '....' | rm -f

If you have many files you can use xargs.

...| xargs rm -f

Check the man page of find for the options, search on this forum or Google for examples.


Thanks in Tons...:slight_smile: