comm -12 based on 1 column

I'd like to eliminate the rows in two files that do not share a common value in the first column. Here's my tortured logic that is way too inefficient to consider, but might show what i'm trying to do (assume the files have been sorted):

cut -f1 -d '|' file1 > file1.dat
cut -f1 -d '|' file2 > file2.dat
comm -12 file1.dat file2.dat > same.dat
grep -f same.dat file1.dat > file1_finished.dat
grep -f same.dat file2.dat > file2_finished.dat

Any thoughts on how to do this more efficiently? Thanks in advance!

man join

By the way,even if it is not exactly the same problem, you can find some source of inspiration from :

awk -F \| 'NR==FNR{a[$1]++;next} a[$1]' file2 file1 > file1_finished.dat

awk -F \| 'NR==FNR{a[$1]++;next} a[$1]' file1 file2 > file2_finished.dat
awk -F'|' '{print"^"$1FS}' f1 f2 | sort | uniq -d | fgrep - f1 >f1.done
awk -F'|' '{print"^"$1FS}' f1 f2 | sort | uniq -d | fgrep - f2 >f2.done

Thanks folks, what I eventually ended up with was:

awk -F'|' 'NR==FNR{++a[$1];next} $1 in a' file1 file2> first.dat
awk -F'|' 'NR==FNR{++a[$1];next} $1 in a' file2 file1> second.dat
comm -13 second.dat first.dat > final.dat

I should add that the various options involving grep -f were too time consuming given the size of the files, something I should have mentioned at the outset.

Thanks again.