combining multiple sed statements

I need to run a cronjob that will monitor a directory for files with a certain extension, when one appears I then need to run the below scripts How do I go about combining the following sed statements into one script? and also retain the original filename.?

sed 's/71502FSC1206/\n&/g'   # add a carriage return to all lines starting with 71502FSC1206
sed '/^71502FSC1206/s/./F/127'   # add the letter F at position 127 in the line starting with 71502FSC1206
sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n//;ta'   # remove the carriage returns 

One way: You can link them together with pipes

sed 's/71502FSC1206/\n&/g' [filename goes here] | sed '/^71502FSC1206/s/./F/127'   |  sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n//;ta'   > tmp.tmp  
mv tmp.tmp [filename goes here]

Thank you Jim! worked a treat! much appreciated :b: