Combine multiple lines in file based on specific field


I have an issue to combine multiple lines of a file. I have records as below.
Fields are delimited by TAB. Each lines are ending with a new line char (\n)


ABC 123456 abcde 987
890456 7890 xyz
ght gtuv 
ABC 5tyin 1234 789
ghty kuio
ABC ghty jind 1234 
678 ght

I have to combine these lines based on first field. Whenever ABC comes a first field it should a new line. Delimiter should be retained as TAB.

My output should be

ABC 123456 abcde 987 890456 7890 xyz ght gtuv
ABC 5tyin 1234 789 ghty kuio
ABC ghty jind 1234 678 ght

Please help me to resolve this.



perl -lp0e 's/^ABC/\x00ABC/gm;s/\n/\t/g;s/\x0/\n/g' input > output
awk 'END { 
  if (r) 
    print r 
/^ABC/ && r { 
  print r
  r = x 
  r = r ? r $0 : $0 
  }' infile  
paste -sd'\t' inputfile|sed 's/        ABC/\

Use the Tab key between "/" and "ABC".

Another one:

sed -e :a -e '$!N;/\nABC/!s/\n//;ta' -e 'P;D' infile 

Thanks all for your quick reply. But these codes are not working as I expected.
All are writing the input records to output as it is.
Solution from elixir_sinari prefixed a TAB for each record except 1st.

ABC 123456 abcde 987
       890456 7890 xyz
       ght gtuv 
       ABC 5tyin 1234 789
       ghty kuio
       ABC ghty jind 1234 
       678 ght

Please help me.

If you have GNU awk:

$ awk -v RS="ABC" '{ $1="ABC " $1 } NF>1' data

ABC 123456 abcde 987 890456 7890 xyz ght gtuv
ABC 5tyin 1234 789 ghty kuio
ABC ghty jind 1234 678 ght

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And if you don't:

awk '{$1=$1}; /^ABC/ { print P; P=$0; next }; { P=P " " $0 }; END {   print P }' OFS="\t" data

ABC     123456  abcde   987 890456      7890    xyz ght gtuv
ABC     5tyin   1234    789 ghty        kuio
ABC     ghty    jind    1234 678        ght


Thanks Corona688. This gives the desired output for the given input, it insert a blank line as first record.
Also this is not working if ABC comes as field other than first. I need to consider ABC as delimiter only if it comes as first field of the line.
For example

ABC 123  xyz ABC 678
ftc 345
ABC rty gty
567 778

I need output as

ABC 123  xyz ABC 678 ftc 345
ABC rty gty 567 778

but I get the output as

ABC 123  xyz 
ABC 678 ftc 345
ABC rty gty 567 778

Please reply.:b:

---------- Post updated at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:30 PM ----------

Sorry Corona688. It worked successfully. I made a mistake in the data.
The exception is output is started with blank line.

Thanks a lot.


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