Combine awk statements

I have an awk statement that works but I am calling awk twice and I know there has to be a way to combine the two statements into one. The purpose is to pull out just the ip address from loopback1.

cat config.txt | nawk 'BEGIN {FS="\n"}{RS="!"}{if ( $0 ~ "interface loopback1" ) print$4}' | nawk 'gsub(/\/32/,""){print $3}'

Sample config:

interface loopback0 loopback
 description test1
 ip address tag 100
  ip source-address tftp ftp
interface loopback1 loopback
 description test2
 ip address tag 101
interface loopback2 loopback
 description test3
 ip address tag 102
  ip source-address radius
nawk 'BEGIN {FS=RS;RS="!"} /interface loopback1/{split($4,a, OFS "|/");print a[4]}' config.txt

That works perfect, thank you! Except I messed up and did not realize that my ip address line may not always be $4, it could be on any line in that record. This works for me but again I am calling awk up too many times.

cat config.txt | nawk 'BEGIN {FS="\n"}{RS="!"}{if ( $0 ~ "interface loopback1" ) print$0}' | nawk '{if ( $0 ~ "ip address") print$3}'| nawk 'gsub(/\/32/,"")'
nawk 'BEGIN {FS=RS;RS="!"} /interface loopback1/{for(i=1;i<=NF; i++)  if ($i ~ /ip address/){split($i,a, OFS "|/");print a[4]}}' config.txt
awk -F'[ \/]' '/interface loopback1/{getline;getline;print $4;exit}' config.txt

vgersh99 your statement works for me, thanks again.