Combine awk scripts

Hi, Below command is working as expected, but would like to know how to club the two AWK scripts in the command into one

echo -e "MMS000101S0203430A|20180412E|\nMMB0001INVESTMENT||107-86193-01-03|\nMMB0001FUND||107-86193-04-01|\nMMC9991 " | awk -F'|' -v OFS=, '/^MMC9991/{print r"|"s,t; next} /^MMS0001/ { r=substr($1,8); s=substr($2,1,8);next} /^MMB0001/ { gsub("-",""); t=(t?t OFS:"")$3 }' | awk -F "," '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i++)print $1,$i}' OFS="|"

Would this come near of what you need:

echo -e "MMS000101S0203430A|20180412E|\nMMB0001INVESTMENT||107-86193-01-03|\nMMB0001FUND||107-86193-04-01|\nMMC9991 " |
awk -F'|' -v OFS=, '
/^MMC9991/      {gsub ("-", "", t)
                 n = split (t, T, OFS)
                 for (i=1; i<n; i++) print rs, T
/^MMS0001/      {rs = substr($1,8) FS substr($2,1,8)
/^MMB0001/      {t = t $3  OFS 

Apologies, i missed

in my command, updated command below:

echo -e "MMS000101S0203430A|20180412E|\nMMB0001INVESTMENT||107-86193-01-03|\nMMB0001FUND||107-86193-04-01|\nMMC9991 " | awk -F'|' -v OFS=, '/^MMC9991/{print r"|"s,t; r=s=t=""; next} /^MMS0001/ { r=substr($1,8); s=substr($2,1,8);next} /^MMB0001/ { gsub("-",""); t=(t?t OFS:"")$3 }' | awk -F "," '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i++)print $1,$i}' OFS="|"

So? Why don't you insert it into the proposal?

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