Color putty

Right now I am using putty.

I am using 2-3 terminals at a time. To differentiate each termianl I want to put each putty screen and background color to different colors. I tried changing the colors in normal putty but it's not working.
Is there any other color putty ?



Right click top bar > Change settings > Window > Colours > Default background > Modify

usually works?

Simple solution:

Save your connections with different names -- even if you're logging into the same system.

  1. Click a connection name (don't double-click), and click the "Load" button.

  2. Click the "Colours" section of the "Window" tree to the left.

  3. Adjust background, foreground, and any other colors by clicking the name, then the "Modify" button, and then clicking the color you want.

  4. Important! Click the "Session" section of the tree, where you should still see the session you loaded. Click the "Save" button.

From now on, when you connect using that session, it will have that color scheme. Just do the same for the other sessions to differentiate.