Code to insert user into Tomcat config file

Hi all,

I'm sure someone out there has an 'easy' way to insert a new user into a Tomcat config file without using vi or otherwise editing the file. For the uninitiated, here is the layout of the config file:

[root@ntt2 bin]# cat /apps/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <role rolename="manager"/>
  <role rolename="tomcat"/>
  <role rolename="admin"/>
  <role rolename="role1"/>
  <user username="z888666" password="b56e0b4ea4962283bee762525c2d490f" roles="admin"/>
  <user username="admin" password="21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3" roles="tomcat,role1,manager,admin"/>
  <user username="z777333" password="b56e0b4ea4962283bee762525c2d490f" roles="admin"/>

The 'password' data is a hash generated from this command:

[root@ntt2 ~]$ tomcat-passwd Welcome0

What I'd like to be able to do is something of the form:

[root@ntt2 ~]$ tomcat-insert-user z696969 Welcome0 admin

or even:

[root@ntt2 ~]$ tomcat-insert-user z696969 b56e0b4ea4962283bee762525c2d490f admin

Or even an interactive one that allows you to enter the password etc would be fine.

Does anyone out there have a script/command sequence that will do this for me or have the smarts to whip it up?

I tried my own attempt but it was a bit of a disaster and stripped all the "'s out of the file and killed Tomcat :frowning:

You can use sed:

sed -i '/<\/tomcat-users>/ i\<user username="z777333" password="b56e0b4ea4962283bee762525c2d490f" roles="admin"/>' tomcat-users.xml

You need to write a small piece of Bash wrapping the code so you can use:

tomcat-insert-user z696969 b56e0b4ea4962283bee762525c2d490f admin

That is left as an exercise for you.

sed '$d' infile > outfile
pword=$(tomcat-passwd $2)
echo '  <user username="'$1'" password="'$pword'" roles="'$3'" />' >> outfile
echo '</tomcat-users>' >> outfile
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Excellent, I understand all of this code, thanks a plenty!

if your sed support -i option, no need temp file genereated by below code.

pword=$(tomcat-passwd $2)
sed -i '$ s/\(.*\)/  <user username="'$user'" password="'$pword'" roles="'$roles'" \/> \n\1/' input.txt

I think Using the i(insert) command would be more straightforward in this case.

---------- Post updated at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous update was at 01:15 AM ----------

sed -i '$ i\<user username="'$user'" password="'$pword'" roles="'$roles'" />' input.txt

Note: For this command to work, make sure there're no blank lines at the end of the file.

OK, but in your code, which part dictates it to insert within the

I am also looking to improve upon this to make a script that will allow me to specify a log comment that it will insert at the end of the XML file as an XML comment using the <!- ---> tags, so I need a sed command that doesn't care about these trailing comments at the bottom...

sed -i '$ i\<user username="'$user'" password="'$pword'" roles="'$roles'" />' input.txt

When $(last line) is used, </tomcat-users> is assumed to appear at the end of the file. and i that follows inserts the text right before </tomcat-users>(last line).