Clone Solaris system using cpio backup

Well, of course, you should see all of /var and /usr (not necessarily in that order).

Also, but this is difficult, the /etc..... files that it was complaining about in your previous post. However, don't worry too much. It should archive everything.

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Hold on a minute......I see @MadeInGermany is replying. Let's see what he says. Perhaps he's seen something he doesn't like.

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actually, I am :slight_smile:

I want this to be our knockout

I meant, I'm holding to see if he needs to add something

There must be a space after ! (not).

Better use my previous suggestion (corrected):

cd /a
find . -type d ! -fstype ufs -prune -print -o -print | cpio -ov -O /mnt/CPIO/backup.cpio

This has the mount points included but does not descend into them.

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@MadeInGermany We're in Single-user from hard disk so only

# cd /

That was a mistake I made which we corrected.

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first of all,

cd / not /a...I'm confused :sweat_smile:

/ if booted from the disk.

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Yes, go with 'cd /' and that command line that @MadeInGermany has just specified for you.

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so we all agree on the last version...I shall start now

Got it

Just check that you can see /var and /usr fly by on the screen.

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For the record

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Last lines of output
I keep asking the same question...where can I view the details of these errors???

By omitting the -v (verbose) option?
cpio -ov --> cpio -o
Then you see nothing but the error messages. Also, in case there is a size limit problem in the cpio, I would redirect stdout, like this:

... | cpio -o > /mnt/CPIO/backup.cpio

You can even compress on the fly with

... | cpio -o | gzip > /mnt/CPIO/backup.cpio.gz

(Later you'll need gzcat or gunzip -c to uncompress the .gz file on the fly.)

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after creating this last archive I switched to the bad machine and set up VTOC, created UFS filesystems again(I hope that's ok, since I had already created them in my previous attempt), I mounted /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 on /a again.

and again created mountpoints for /var and /usr and mounted slices 3 and 6 on them.
then I restored the archive with

cpio -ivudlm -I

I didn't get any error.

I tried to boot with

 boot disk -r

It went into maintenance mode after showing the same message about /tmp.

For the record, while creating the archive with

Find .

I have seen /var, /tmp, and /etc directories. they were all streaming.

I have to hand over the good machine today. I hope we can work this out with the backups we have taken.

You need to have allocated a little space to slices 4 & 5, AND 'newfs' those two slices too. So boot single user from CD1 now and newfs those now. Then try again.

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I have allocated exactly the same space we've seen allocated on the good disk.

But you're right, I haven't done newfs for those sloces(4,5).

Shall I newfs all slices once again and execute Find . After that. Or just newfs slices 4 and 5 and not execute Find .?

Yea, well just boot from CD and 'newfs' those two. Shouldn't need to build the whole thing again

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Well, Hello!!!